Sunday, January 4, 2009

Keeping track of things

I'm going to try to complete my WIPs and UFOs this year ('try' being the operative word here !)

Also, since starting this journey last year, I've managed to accumulate a stash, er, collection. This has grown substantially over the year and I did not really keep any record of what came in. My numbers of meters sewn was easily tallied (3 skirts, 1m each; shirt, 2m; capris, approx 1.5m; coat, 3m).

That being said, I've added 2 items to my sidebar, one to show progress/completion of the WIPs and the other to show fabric purchased and used.

After a quick pass through the sewing room and the living room knitting basket, the WIP list is started - to be edited as required.

The Collection list will show itself tomorrow after I hit the 75% off sale at Fabricville on my way home from work.

I've been eyeing a piece of green wool on the wool samples shelf since November. It has been whittling away off the bolt since then and today I was in town and went in to scope it out. There is still a small piece (maybe 1m ? cross fingers) left on the bolt and I hope it is still there tomorrow when the sale starts. Shhh, don't tell anyone, but I'm not above a bit of sneakiness and hid put it back on the very bottom of the shelf hoping no-one else is energetic enough to kneel right down on the floor to look for it.

Back to work tomorrow - I thought I would get some sewing time in over the holidays, but after the craziness of December and 5 days travelling, I just didn't get back to the sewing room. All crafting time was spent with the knitting needles. After giving the dishcloths as gifts, a few people have asked for more, so I've just kept knitting - my Dad has 2, one of my brothers has 4 and as shown on the sidebar, I have 10 more to do.


  1. Well, I try, too, to avoid UFOs, but it doesn't always work out. If I don't finish it in a weekend, I'm usually in big trouble. So you are not alone!

  2. hmmm - I don't finish anything in a weekend, maybe a bit of speed should be my goal this year ? My problem is I tend to get distracted once a project is partly done and something else catches my eye. Must work on that.

  3. Whoops, Claire I missed this post. You did shop at Fabricville.


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