Saturday, May 28, 2011

Waterlogged !

After the sunny long weekend we just had, it has rained almost constantly since Tuesday, and we're not expected to see sun again before Tuesday. We are in no danger of flooding and have had none of the extreme weather our southern neighbours have been subjected to. My prayers go out to all of you dealing with the ravages of the flooding and the tornadoes that have been plaguing different communities recently.

Our rain is only inconvenient and so we are very lucky.

The upside to the rain is that - everything moved aroung and divided in the garden last week has been well-watered in and seems to have recovered nicely from any trauma. They all look good and the rose bush is showing a lot more leaves this morning.

The other upside is - although I will spend this weekend indoors, it will be mostly spent sewing and baking. Laundry is the only other 'must-do'.

The last pant-fit coming up shortly...


  1. Keeping a day open in early August! We have away weddings the first two weekends- let me know when you know more!!

  2. Yesterday was the first dry day we've had in 2 weeks - yes, 14 days. The lawn service is out there right now, struggling through 8" high grass. Sewing seems like a good rainy day activity, anyway.

  3. Believe me,I do understand. I'm still working on pants too. I'm trying to finish up a pair now before the challenge starts next Wednesday.

  4. Enjoy the rain, it could be lots, lots worse. Take advantage of sewing time. g


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