The delay ? I'm on the bus to Saint John today for a quick weekend at home. The dad of my BFF (since we were 5 years old !) passed away 2 days ago and the funeral is Monday. Growing up I spent as much time at Elizabeth's as I did my own home - at least it seemed that way. Her mom and dad are the best and I grew up thinking of them as a second set of parents. Jerome's been sick for a while now and while not completely unexpected, it's pretty hard to deal with. I can't imagine him not being around even though I no longer see them that often. I'll miss you Jerome xx
In the meantime, I’m just a bit antsy and need to keep busy. I’ve got my knitting, a book, and wi-fi on the bus. I’ve managed to catch up on all my blog reading so far and actually comment on some. At least those that I could get past the word verification - is it just me or has that feature become a NIGHTMARE ? It was a topic of conversation a few months ago and I made sure mine was turned off. Some are still on though and it seems as if it is harder to get through it. Maybe it’s just me but I can’t for the life of me read those darn letters. Proving I’m not a robot, it pretty difficult LOL On average, I need to press refresh at least 4-5 times before I get one I can figure out !
Anyway, since January, I haven’t done a lot but I did manage to finish 3 pairs of socks and copy a dress pattern from one of mine. A basic t-shirt dress very similar to M6559, which looks like the ‘go to’ pattern of the summer. My original was above knee-length and cotton. After a couple washes it was WAY above knee-length and needs bike shorts or something underneath.

See the tie-dyed dress ? That puppy couldn't afford to lose any length ! LOL
I decided to lay out the dress, trace off a pattern and see what I come up with. I traced it off at the length I wanted and also extended the pattern to maxi-length. At the time, M6559 was not even on my radar. Only after it was done, did I realize the similarity. Mine doesn’t have a racerback but I may make that change to an upcoming version. Yes, I finished one, have another cut out and plans for more in the works. DH took pics of the first one last week, but I never got to do a post.
There is also a tee in progress for DH. I cut out a Kwik Sew (pretty sure it's KS3299 some time ago and the pieces were just sitting around taking up space. Both the sewing machine and serger were loaded with the right color and the next dress required a color change so I decided to finish the tee first and fight with rethreading later. I don’t know about you but changing threads and fiddling with tensions take more time than the actual sewing does. Between picking and setting the serger stitch I want and playing with tension, twin needle (& twin needle threading!) and now the walking foot on the sewing machine, it takes forever to get anything accomplished.
Now, after all that talking about it - give me a couple days and I'll get through the weekend, get back home, take the pics and finally get some finished objects posted.