4th recipe, a 3-loaf batch

5th - this one started with multigrain hot cereal mix rather than multigrain flour

I finished and blocked my Holden shawl for the Espace Tricot September KAL. It's gotten colder lately, fall is in the air. I wore it as a kerchief this week and really liked it. Soft and cozy.

I tried another batch of tomatoes - this time I used Italian tomatoes, much meatier and pureed them. I don't use the blender often but boy, for some things it's just fabulous - 20 lbs tomatoes pureed in less than 5 minutes ! 7 quart bottles for my troubles (now I know just how long it takes to prepare 20 lbs of tomatoes - man !)
What else ? I tried out the Jalie 2005 and 2327
First attempt at the tee was a wadder - but it only needs a bit more room in the upper arm to work, I think.
The underwear was a good first draft - they fit and I managed to get DH to give feedback. Basically, a size smaller, a bit more length on the legs and the waistband a bit higher. Not bad for a first attempt - I had to learn how to do a flatlock stitch and I fought to get my serger switched over to a coverstitch, an acceptable coverstitch, that is (...and that leads to another post...)