5 versions so far - blue/black print/ lime green / pink / burgundy / dull green
...all v-necks, 3 long sleeves, elbow length sleeve and short sleeve.
Looking at the pink version, I still wanted to bring the shoulder point in some more and work on the wrinkles at the bust and underarm.
Burgundy was up next - I made a narrow shoulder adjustment and overshot the mark on the shoulder point by A LOT LOL. I'm not too worried about it. The day I did the pattern adjustments for this one, I was using sewing as a 'keep my mind off of things' activity. To start, she's doing fine now, but a few weeks ago, my Mom had a grand mal seizure which is common with global alzheimers. I don't think it was her first one, although it had the most effect. She also has osteoporosis and the seizure ended up breaking her hip. She needed surgery to do a partial hip replacement with the only goal to be pain-free. Mom doesn't walk any more, of course, so it didn't need to be weight-bearing. Within 2 days of realizing the problem, she had her surgery - on a Saturday...evening ! Around here, that would be unheard of. Mom could have waited a long time in Montreal...I'm glad she was home. Anyway, the next day we were still waiting for updates and I needed to keep busy. In hindsight, I should have stopped after all the adjustments were done and the new pattern traced but BEFORE I cut out the fabric :-)

The green one - what did I do ? hmm...moved the shoulder point out a bit - 1/2-inch, I think and lowered the armhole about 1-inch. The wrinkles are not all gone but they have noticeably shifted. The front hem is a bit high. I could probably add a bit more to the FBA, but all in all I could make this one up 'as is' and be happy.
Looking at the pictures, most of what catches my eye are problems with the fabric. This is a really loose, stretchy knit - comfy, but loose. Every single seam was sewn with wonder tape and basted with the walking foot before serging. It's really comfortable but I have a feeling it's not going to make it through too many washes before it's all out of shape.
A silly pic. Hubby was quick on the button LOL
I've joined Faye's 2013 Essential Top Sew-A-Long (linked in the sidebar) and have pulled out some of my top patterns. I think I want to play with a different pattern for a while.