But today, today I really had a thought come home to me (steam coming out of the ears and all ! LOL)
DH is big on the right tool for the job. I'm getting better (used to be in the camp of 'use a handy butter knife instead of going to find a screwdriver' :-)
I need a top to go with the new skirt that's almost finished and finally decided to try Sorbetto. I think it'll work.

source coletterie.com
I printed off the pattern the other day and hadn't yet cut the pages down to size and taped them together.
I started to do this last night and stopped. Why ?
Well, for paper trimming, you got your scissors...

You got your personal trimmer...

We have both scissors and trimmer at home.
BUT at work we've got THIS !...

That sucker is 60-inches wide and I put it to good use this morning.
Perfectly trimming 16 pages of pattern took about 10 minutes - Fabulous !