I can get my fix of little girl sewing with the daughter of a friend from work.
A few years ago I made her a couple of sundresses 1st one and 2 more, but seems to me we didn't have much of a summer that year and I'm pretty sure she didn't get a whole lotta use out of them.
This year she turned 7 and they were planning a cupcake party. During a weekend in Toronto, our friends took us to Lens Mills and I found this...

Couldn't pass it up, bought a meter, didn't know what to do with it, DH suggested an apron. J and her mommy cook together so it was a good idea. I found an online tutorial for both the apron and a chef's hat and it turned out pretty well.

The apron is reversible.

Her mom invited me to help out at the party. Actually, she just invited me to attend but with 7 little girls in attendance, it took both of us to keep up with them LOL
Here are pics - full permission to use them.

It's a shame she's so camera shy LOL