I guess dropping off the radar after the last post wasn't the best thing.
Thanks to everyone who checked up on me. It was really appreciated.
Truth to tell, I was mostly ok just seemed to lose the blogging mojo. Actually I lost a bunch of mojo - you know when you just seem overwhelmed in your head and don't get started at all. That's where I was. So many things I wanted to do but thinking too much and never really got started...or got started and stopped.
Been thinking about a blog post for a while, but after putting it off and putting it off, where do you begin ? Start fresh or catch up ?......or do nothing.
I've been sewing, knitting, even reading my blog list although not commenting much because I've just been so far behind ... all the usual stuff to some degree. I just haven't been overly visible on-line.
OK, lets just do a couple of posts to get back into it.
When I got back from New Brunswick after Christmas, I found a new toy from hubby under the tree...
Brother 3034D - Sooo different from my old Singer, sooo easy to set up and use, I needed a project - quick !
The serger came with a lesson - a trip to Club Tissus to sign up for it produced the Jalie hoodie pattern 2911 and a red/grey stripe jersey.
No idea why it took hold so quickly but I wanted that hoodie NOW! LOL But I didn't want to ruin it so I had to make a muslin. Heavy-ish brown jersey muslin and striped version both made within 3 weeks
Love 'em both, and I was off and running.
When PR Weekend Austin was announced I decided I was going. My last PR Weekend in 2010 I wore only RTW - not this time. I planned a whole wardrobe - LOL deluded much ? I did get 2 new items finished...
Vogue 1247 - I really wanted to make the skirt too but it's still not done yet.
Vogue 1250 - Gaylen of gMarie Sews sent me the pattern for this. Thanks g !!! Today there are 292 reviews on PR. My review, once I get to it probably won't add much.
PR Weekend was amazing, I tacked on a day at either end and spent some quality time with Connie who did the same. It was a great time and I met some really wonderful ladies ! Next year LA...I'm planning already.
Daniel Esquivel (from Project Runway) gave a talk Friday morning.
Lots of Twitter & Facebook posts LOL
Pattern Swap
Puppy fix - This little girl was just too adorable and lovey not to cuddle !
Floral Trench Coat (part 4): setting the sleeves
2 hours ago