If I can stand long enough tomorrow to hem my skirt, there will be a pic to post. Let's hope.
Today's post is not about sewing but it IS sewing related.
I HATE wearing a bra ! & I'm sure I'm not alone. I have never owned a comfortable bra that I could put on and not fuss with all day. Back rides up, straps fall down, you know, you spend all day fidgeting trying to get everything back in place. Aggravation to the 'nth' degree. Yuck.
A few months ago, DH & I were in our local mall and noticed a small lin gerie boutique. I took a peek in and the sales lady said they do fittings. Since then I intended to go but never went in. Now, I need a couple of new bras.
Last weekend I went into Walmart and picked up a $7 special. It's my usual size but really not more comfortable than any others I've owned. Yesterday afternoon, I went to the mall looking for another bra and ended up back in this little shop. When the sales girl asked me if she could help me, I said 'yes' rather than my standard 'no thanks, just looking'. She asked if I'd been fitted there before and I figured 'oh, well, might as well' - I'll admit, I was feeling a bit embarrassed about it. :-)
Her 1st question - what size are you wearing - 36C and I figured it was too big
Um, no. Out comes the tape measure and she says ... 32 and probably at least DD - say what ??? I don't think so !!! My mom only passed out the boob genes to my eldest sister - the other 3 of us got left behind, waaayy behind - or so I thought. LOL
Anyway, back she comes with a 32DD - nope. I figure we're going back up to a 34 at least. NO ! next one - 32E - I'm now pretty much freaking out. It didn't fit either ! Now she explains where the underwire is supposed to sit in order to cup everything. We're still not there yet. Next up ? 32F - O.M.G. it's snug, well, tight, but it's sooooo comfortable. She assured me that it is supposed to be this snug and it WILL loosen up over time.
After all that (I must've tried on a dozen bras) I narrowed my choices down to three. The ones at home were never going to be worn again, so I needed a couple - got talked into the matching underwear - and left with a new bag of goodies, feeling pretty amazed. I guess mom passed me a few more of those genes than I thought :-).
The goodies ?...
Yes, there's a bra missing, I'm wearing it and the Internet is NOT getting a picture of that !
I also just realized I'm not stocked up yet - I can't wear black and red under my light colored tops. Gonna have to go get a white one. More shopping, what a shame.
And the sewing part of the post - I'm going to have to learn how to do an FBA ... LOL