Oh my goodness, I didn't realize October got completely away from me - only 2 posts !
So, what's been happening ?
I went to NB and spent a couple of days with my Mom & my family. Mom waited 3 days for the surgery to repair her broken hip. They did exactly what they would do, if she were expected to walk again, but in Mom's case, the Alz' is advanced so far that the hip will heal (without pain, hopefuly) but they won't be able to teach her to walk again. The most hope is that she will be able to sit comfortably and not be bedridden.
When I got there, it was 4 days after the operation and she was just coming off of the IV painkillers. She is physically recovering from the surgery but typically it was a drastic event for her and the Alz' has progressed yet again. My last email from my sister is that Mom has had quite a few down days. Not able to make her smile or laugh at all, which I was able to do during my time home with her. It's something, even though she can't talk it seems like you can communicate if you can laugh with her. She doesn't know any of us any longer - but I look at her & I still see my mum, it's heartbreaking to know she can no longer do anything at all - she must be fed, dressed, moved from place to place or even just rolled over in bed. The disease progressed so much faster than any of us ever expected.
My sisters, one in particular, handle this on a day to day basis. I can't even imagine the toll this takes on them. I do know that they were both very grateful to have a couple of days to recoup while I was there - I wish I could do more - But 600 miles may as well be a million - I get home when I can.
Sorry, I didn't expect to vent. Didn't think I needed to until I started to type.
Here are a couple of pics of Mom...
This one was taken in March at my Aunt's 100th birthday. She had a good day that day and seemed to enjoy the day. But I tell you, I would have to dig really deep to find any other pictures where she is looking right at the camera. She would always duck !
Three of my siblings are in this one. The guy on the left is my eldest brother. Next to him is my sister - the one taking care of all the decisions for Mom. My youngest brother is on the far right (with the camera).

This one was taken at my Dad's 80th birtthday in August 2008. That's my mom, my sister and my sister's two granddaughters. The baby was just a few days old.

I'm on my weekend now. Two weeks ago the company went through a major downsizing and just about all the staff got hit. Laid off or put on a short week. Luckily, I got a short week - 30 hours. 7.5 hrs Mon-Thurs, Fridays off ! It's a double-edged sword - I like the hours, but not the pay :-( Oh well, I still have my job.
Christmas baking is underway - anyone who followed me last year watched me make batch after batch of cookies. I need some for home, work and for my guests who come for a Christmas dinner early in December.
With some extra weekend time, I started early this year. Last weekend I made the ribbon (19 dozen) and candy cane (7 dozen) cookies. They are safely tucked away in the freezer waiting to be packed. This weekend the plan is to make the spritz cookies.
I'm also considering making cherry loaves to go with. I'll see and decide soon.
Projects - I've got a few on the go, almost but not quite finished. I'm hoping to have the 2 sewing projects finished and posted before the end of the weekend.
SFTTU socks - the 2nd pattern in Wendy Johnson's book (Socks from the Toe Up) is called Lacy Ribs Socks. I started these while sitting with Mom a few weeks ago. They haven't progressed much because once I got home, I went back to working on project number 2.

Baby afghan - this is for a colleague - she's due to begin Maternity leave in 4-6 weeks, so this is getting most of my attention for the moment. There is about 2 rows left on the 3rd ball of yarn. I want to add one more ball before I consider it finished.

The D$%$m shirt - I 'still' have to do the buttonholes & buttons !
Skirt - BWOF 07-2008-113 - this is in my PR Wardrobe storyboard - finished by Sunday ??? maybe.....stay tuned.

I found this link to make a personalized signature at
Mary is Sewfast and had to try it out. Isn't it cool ? I just wish my actual signature was this neatly written LOL !