It's hard to believe but I've managed to to all the adjustments suggested on the coat sewalong :
1) High Round Back - I raised the neckline 1-1/4" (sliced the back just under the seam line at CB, lifted the CB up and basted muslin fabric into the wedges)
2) Bust Point too high - Low Bust Adjustment - I lowered the bust point 1-1/4" (too chicken to cut the pattern tissue, from the side back piece I traced the pattern of the bust onto tracing paper, used the grainline of the side back as placement, shifted the template down and traced the new lines onto the muslin, merging with the original seam lines just before the top of the side back piece and the waistline.
3) Waist too Tight - let out 1/4" at each side seam - total 1" gained ('may' need a bit more - once I try it on with a winter weight sweater). Edit - Yup, needed a little more room - let out 1/4" on all 4 princess seams as well - another 2" gained.
4) Waist too Low - raised the waist line 1" (traced a line 1" up and folded original waistline up to meet the new line, basted the seam). Edit - front waist still too high. Raised back 1-1/2" to the side seams. Raised front 1" at CF tapering up to 1-1/2" at side seams.
5) Since the waist was raised, the hem needs to be lowered by 1" (front) to 1-1/2" (back) as well.
6) Still have to set in the sleeves. Edit - V8346 is a 1-piece sleeve, will try to fit M5247 instead.
7) Marji suggested changing the angle of the shoulder seams to make room for the shoulder pads - I'll try it on first. Edit - I think they're ok, will confirm when I post the next pics.
We have company coming tomorrow - will only be able to continue on Saturday.
Floral Trench Coat (part 4): setting the sleeves
6 minutes ago