Pattern Description: The perfect length, the perfect cut. You can't go wrong with this slightly flared skirt in novelty-weave fabric !
Pattern Sizing: 36-44
Did it look like the photo/drawing on the pattern envelope once you were done sewing with it? Yes, although I actually made 101B which is the one without pockets or topstitching.
Were the instructions easy to follow? (Why do they ask this ? If you select a BWOF pattern, this section should just assume 'NO' and let it go at that - LOL! ) For the skirt, yes...for the yoke, well, I'd read the PR reviews first and didn't stress too much when they were confusing.
What did you particularly like or dislike about the pattern? No dislikes, this is a great basic skirt.
Fabric Used: Black stretch cotton twill from a FabricMart Mystery Bundle - it's a FREEBIE !
Pattern Alterations or any design changes you made:
1) cut a 44 waist and 42 hips...by the time I was done taking in the seams to fit, I should have just cut a 42. Next time.
2) I scooped 1/2" from center back for a swayback adjustment but it wasn't enough. There was still lots of bunching in the back ! back - 1st fitting
I took out another 1/4' and it seemed much better. adjusted back
3) I added 4.5" to the length since I'd seen a few comments about it being quite short. I'm tall so I generally have to add length anyway. It turns out it wasn't 'that' short on me. I cut off all but 1.5' and hemmed it with a 1/2" hem just above my knees.
4) My sewing order was pretty wonky, I think. I don't think I did anything in the order it said to and the yoke instructions were horribly confusing so I followed Allie in Hong Kong's review for the yoke. Her inside front photo was great.
I did the yokes first, including buttonholes and buttons, placed them RS together with the center front panel and serged them on. Then I put that full panel aside til the rest of the skirt was done.
The facings were attached when I did the center zipper using the tutorial from Fashion-Incubater the same as my previous skirt.
The last thing I did was serge the full front panel seams to their side panels, including facings. No hand stitching, no fuss, no muss. It's a pretty clean inside finish and since I made such good use of Allie's pic, here's mine in case it's of any help to anyone. inside yoke
Would you sew it again? Would you recommend it to others? Yes, & yes. My twill seems pretty lightweight and has stretch. I think I'd like to try this one again in a denim or heavier twill with no stretch. I would recommend though that you don't bother with the BWOF fussy instructions for the yoke, they seem to make it more difficult than it is.
Conclusion: It's gonna get lots of wear !