I've been away for a few days and haven't had access to a computer - there's a lot of reading to do to catch up with all the new blog posts I see posted.
Christmas was quiet for the most part - DH & I had the day to ourselves, til suppertime anyway. We were invited to a friend's house so someone else did all the cooking - always a good thing !
Boxing Day morning was an early one, I left for New Brunswick to visit my family - the bus departure was 6am ! Had to be up before 5am - never a good thing. LOL :-)
It was a great week at home. With 7 siblings & a multitude of nieces & nephews and not all of them living in the same city, it's hit or miss whether I see them all or not when I'm home. This trip everyone was home at the same time as me at some point. Each day it seemed someone was leaving and someone else was arriving. I hope my Dad means it when he says he loves having us all at home 'cos oh boy, we certainly descend on him at holiday time.
DH doesn't make this trip with me and if I manage to actually stay awake to midnight, then I want to be wishing in the New Year with him so I always make sure to be back home on time ! I took the overnight bus last night and arrived home this morning.
Some of you are looking back over your year of sewing accomplishments. This was what I consider my first real year of sewing and I certainly did not accomplish a great quantity of items - but I'm very happy with what I 'have' done and everything gets worn.
I started with a shirt (M4399) for DH - which he likes and wears.

I made 3 skirts for myself (only took pics of 2) from M3341 - all 3 were worn all summer - really comfortable !

I also made a pair of Ottobre capris which I do wear but one posting of the picture (sometime back in June) is quite enough - 'nuff said.
The big project of the year, of course, is my coat (V8346) - I joined Marji's coat sewalong and hope to finish it soon. Now that the holidays are over, I'll get back to it. It's taking forever, but I'm learning alot and just completing it will be a major achievement - it doesn't really matter how long it takes me.
Next year, although I won't do an actual SWAP, I'd like to try to make sure any new items 'go' with each other and/or with pieces I already own. There are also quite a few UFO's lying around that I'd like to finish.
It looks like I'm going to make it to midnight this year - the clock says 10:47 - I'm sure I can manage another hour :-)
Happy New Year everybody !!!